CODE 8 Movie Review

  CODE 8

Hello everyone on today's blog I will be reviewing the movie Code 8 which was a science fiction action film written and directed by Jeff Chan. Now the movie has been out for a while now but If you haven’t seen it you can watch it on netflix.

The film starts off in the 20th century where people with superhuman abilities are known as powers and are forced to register the abilities to the government and become a key component of the economy which helps create the city of tomorrow known as Lincoln city.However throughout years powers have become second class citizens do to unjust prejudice and because of a new drug that is very addictive called psyke which is made of the spinal fluid of even desperate for case or powers on were trafficked by a crime syndicate. Another thing is this movie is that the police are using advanced drones called guardians to help take care of power related crimes.

The main character of the story is Connor Reed whose ability is electrokinetic who tries to make ends meet as a unregistered day laborer while also taking care of his very ill mother Mary who is a cryo.While waiting for another job he meets other powers led by a telekinetic named Garrett and they pull off theft which they manages to barely succeeds.After the job they go to a club where connor meets Nia who has the power to heal others.Conner decides to continue to work with Garrett to get more money to help his mom but eventually she finds out and try to get him to stop before she falls to ground and rush to the hospital.Connor begins to realize what he as done but decides to go on with one last job as long as he can have nia heal his mother but garrett also adds that he wants to become partners with his boss.After they successfully pull off the heist they are double crossed by there boss and only connor and garrett manage to escape.Angered by the fact that he let this happen we secretly meets with one the detectives to help stage a raid on the warehouse.While the raid is happening connor and garrett take down the crew for killing their friends and connor quickly takes nia to heal his mother but only realizes that if she tries to heal her it will only hurt or kill nia.So connor insteads saids his final goodbyes to his mother before she passes away and helps nia escape the city before turning himself in while garrett takes over the drug trade.And that is the end of the story.

I got to say for me it was an incredible story. I love all of the cgi effects that were done for the movie. Also the concept of the story was very interesting to talk about how far people will go either for someone they love or simply out of fear for something they don’t understand so for code 8 I am giving it a 8.5 out of 10.


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