Hello everyone for today’s post I am going to talk about something that has been talk about recently and that is the world of fiction.Now I know I am not the first person to talk about this since people like The Critical Drinker, MauLer, and so many others have alright have talk about it,but I am going to try and give my opinion on this topic.

Ever since I was a kid growing up I have been a fan of things like video games and comic books.I always enjoy the great storytelling and creative artwork and amazing character development.Unfortunately nowadays that seems to be in a very short supply.

 In recent years, like many, I have notice that many shows,movies,and comic books and other projects have become more bland and boring or wondering why they were even created.For me personally one of the reasons why they are getting worse is this cultural war that has been going on these last few years.Now what I mean about that is people who should not be in charge are dictating how a story should be told instead of letting people who do have passion for this stuff have control or be creative.As a result the projects just end up being really bad.

Another problem that is hurting the world of fiction is that there are too many projects coming out at once.You can’t make a lot of movies and expect to make money when you don’t know if fans are going to like them or have enough money to pay to watch them.

Now I would be the first to say that I am no expert,but I have enough common sense to know when something is good or bad and if they can’t get back to telling good stories soon they are just going to keep losing money and fans.

Like I said at the beginning of this is just my opinion and there are others who have said this stuff way better than I could so I will end this post with a video from a youtuber who talks about bad writing in movies. Her youtube channel is called Baggage Claim so if you want to check out all of her videos go to youtube and check them out.Thank you and all of you have a great day.

Bad writing is DESTROYING Hollywood


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